Please Fill out the Following to Register for Tryouts

Advanced Baseball Travel Team


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to play with US National Sports. Please Read each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.

Parent/ Guardian Information

Second Parent/ Guardian Information


Physician Information

Medical History

US National Sports Player & Family Agreement

US National Sports was formed for the purpose of developing players to their maximum potential both as individuals and within a team framework. Teams within the organization are formed through annual tryouts to identify players with the strongest potential to develop within a serious, competitive environment. The goal of each team will be to strive to compete at the highest level of play appropriate for the individuals within the team.

By signing this document, you as players and parents/guardians agree to the terms and conditions outlined below:

The club is responsible for provision of:

  • Scheduling practices and games.

  • Weekly practices (except in July and August and holiday weeks).

  • A dedicated coach.

  • Player evaluations at the parent’s request.

  • Access to the director of the organization with any questions about players and teams.

  • A dedicated web service for effective communication between players, parents, coaches, and administrators.

  • Administrative facility, collection of fees, scheduling of practices, games, and liability insurance.

The expectation of each player is to attend team events (games, practices, and tournaments).

The head coach will be informed of all absences. Players will give maximum effort at all times during practices and games. All players must understand and accept that coaches will take great care in determining positions and playing time, but all team decisions are made by the coach and must be respected by parents. Communication with the coach is highly encouraged, but questions about your child need to take place 24 hours after a game.

Expectation of Parents:

  • Ensure your child’s timely attendance at all scheduled team events.

  • Support your child, your team, and all US National Sports staff in a positive and encouraging manner.

  • Support from a distance and refrain from coaching, instructing, or otherwise influencing performance.

  • Support the decisions made by your US National Sports coach, thereby supporting the team as a whole.

  • Discuss any issues concerning your child privately with the coach, at a time agreed by the coach at his or her discretion and not immediately during or after a US National Sports event.

  • Contact the director of the organization in a timely and efficient manner with any additional administrative or financial matters.

Family Code of Conduct:

When playing for US National Sports or attending a US National Sports event, all players, parents/guardians, and other family members are representing themselves, US National Sports, the town, and facilities that are hosting our event. With that in mind, we would like to emphasize the following additional items regarding conduct relevant to all our US National Sports families:

  • Be courteous and respectful to coaches, players, teammates, opponents, and their supporters, referees, assistant referees, and all others you come into contact with through your US National Sports activities.

  • Use appropriate language at all times during US National Sports events as a player, parent, and supporter of US National Sports.

  • Abide by the laws of the game and the general rules of the league, competition, tournament, or other event and generally adhere to a very high level of sportsmanship at all times.

  • Understand that US National Sports has the right to suspend any player or parent who fails to play, watch, or support in a manner deemed appropriate as described in this document.

Travel Team Season Overview:

  • Weekly practice (weeks of a major holiday).

  • Team participation in tournaments.

Participation Waiver

By signing below I acknowledge the accuracy of the following information:

  • I certify that my child is in excellent health and able to participate in physical activity including basketball, baseball, general sporting activity, training sessions, competitive baseball or basketball games, fitness training, tournaments, and scrimmages.

  • I agree to hold US National Sports, US National Travel Baseball, Elite Sports Factory, and their agents, employees, and contractors harmless from any and all claims for injuries sustained during my child’s participation in the program.

  • Permission is granted for my child to receive emergency medical treatment.

  • I have included any relevant medical information in writing with this application.

  • I hereby consent to the use of all photographs, videotape or images, and recordings that US National Sports takes of my child for marketing and promotional purposes, including official US National Sports web properties, print publications, and all other official assets. I understand that no name, age, or participating location of my child’s likeness will be publicized or connected with any photograph, videotape, or promotional materials taken by official US National Sports media personnel. I understand that all images are the property of US National Sports, and I hereby waive my right to inspect, claim, or approve any images.

Execution of this Agreement

Signing this document represents acceptance of a place on the roster for the player below, and agreement to the terms, conditions, and conduct requirements presented within.


None of “US National Sports,” "US National Travel Baseball," “US National Basketball,” "US National Sports," "Elite Sports Factory" or their respective affiliates, or such parties’ respective officers, directors, trustees, employees, agents, or representatives (including, without limitation, coaches) or the owners of any facility where US National Sports or US National Travel Baseball programs take place (collectively, the “Released Parties”), are responsible for any loss of or damage to property, injury, or death suffered or incurred by any person while participating in, observing, or otherwise being involved in any US National Travel Baseball programs.


I verify that my son is in good health and physical condition and able to fully participate in the US National Sports, US National Sports, US National Hoops, US National Basketball, and/or US National Travel Baseball or US National Basketball sports programs. I agree that I will be bound by and comply with the rules, regulations, and policies of US National Sports and US National Travel Baseball, and to permit myself or child to be disciplined under those rules and policies in the event of noncompliance, as determined by US National Sports, US National Sports, US National Basketball, US National Basketball, and US National Travel Baseball, in its sole discretion.

I understand that participation in athletic activities, by its nature, involves a risk of serious injury. I acknowledge that I fully realize the dangers of participating in such activities and fully assume all risks associated with my participation and/or my son’s participation in such activities. This waiver and release of liability includes, without limitation, injuries which may occur as a result of (a) Player and/or Parent use of any equipment or facilities which may malfunction or break, (b) US National Sports' improper maintenance of any and all equipment or facilities, (c) US National Sports' negligent instruction or supervision, including personal training and coaching, (d) Parent and/or Player slipping or tripping and falling at a US National Sports event, (e) any negative health event, including the contraction or infection of any virus, including the coronavirus and Covid-19, regardless of the level of safety precautions or cleanliness of the facility. I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby waive, release, acquit, and forever discharge the Released Parties from any and all claims, rights, demands, actions, liabilities, obligations, and causes of action of any and all kinds, nature, and character whatsoever, known or unknown ("Released Claims"), arising out of or relating to the US National Sports, US National Basketball, or US National Sports programs and/or other activities, services, and facilities provided by the Released Parties, it being expressly agreed and understood that I am giving the Released Parties a general release of any and all claims, present and future, that I may have against the Released Parties or any of them. I further agree that I will not sue the Released Parties with respect to the Released Claims. I understand that the granting of the foregoing release and covenant not to sue is an express condition to my being permitted to attend and participate in the US National Sports, US National Sports, US National Basketball, or US National Basketball programs.

If the participant is a minor child, his/her parent or legal guardian must sign and/or otherwise acknowledge agreement to the above on such child’s behalf.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

HEADS UP Concussion Waiver

This sheet has information to help protect your children or teens from concussion or other serious brain injury. Use this information at your children’s or teens’ games and practices to learn how to spot a concussion and what to do if a concussion occurs.

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. This fast movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging the brain cells.

How Can I Help Keep My Children or Teens Safe?

Sports are a great way for children and teens to stay healthy and can help them do well in school. To help lower your children’s or teens’ chances of getting a concussion or other serious brain injury, you should:

  • Help create a culture of safety for the team.

    • Work with their coach to teach ways to lower the chances of getting a concussion.

    • Talk with your children or teens about concussion and ask if they have concerns about reporting a concussion. Talk with them about their concerns; emphasize the importance of reporting concussions and taking time to recover from one.

    • Ensure that they follow their coach’s rules for safety and the rules of the sport.

    • Tell your children or teens that you expect them to practice good sportsmanship at all times.

  • When appropriate for the sport or activity, teach your children or teens that they must wear a helmet to lower the chances of the most serious types of brain or head injury. However, there is no “concussion-proof” helmet. So, even with a helmet, it is important for children and teens to avoid hits to the head.

How Can I Spot a Possible Concussion?

Children and teens who show or report one or more of the signs and symptoms listed below—or simply say they just “don’t feel right” after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body—may have a concussion or other serious brain injury.

Signs Observed by Parents or Coaches

  • Appears dazed or stunned.

  • Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent.

  • Moves clumsily.

  • Answers questions slowly.

  • Loses consciousness (even briefly).

  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes.

  • Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall.

Symptoms Reported by Children and Teens

  • Headache or “pressure” in head.

  • Nausea or vomiting.

  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision. 

  • Bothered by light or noise.

  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.

  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems.

  • Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down.”

Talk with your children and teens about concussion. Tell them to report their concussion symptoms to you and their coach right away. Some children and teens think concussions aren’t serious or worry that if they report a concussion they will lose their position on the team or look weak. Be sure to remind them that it’s better to miss one game than the whole season.

Concussions a ect each child and teen differently. While most children and teens with a concussion feel better within a couple of weeks, some will have symptoms for months or longer. Talk with your children’s or teens’ health care provider if their concussion symptoms do not go away or if they get worse after they return to their regular activities.

What Are Some More Serious Danger Signs to Look Out For?

In rare cases, a dangerous collection of blood (hematoma) may form on the brain after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body and can squeeze the brain against the skull. Call 9-1-1 or take your child or teen to the emergency department right away if, after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, he or she has one or more of these danger signs:

  • One pupil larger than the other.

  • Drowsiness or inability to wake up.

  • A headache that gets worse and does not go away.

  • Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination.

  • Repeated vomiting or nausea, convulsions or seizures (shaking or twitching).

  • Unusual behavior, increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation.

  • Loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out). Even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously.

Children and teens who continue to play while having concussion symptoms or who return to play too soon—while the brain is still healing— have a greater chance of getting another concussion. A repeat concussion that occurs while the brain is still healing from the rst injury can be very serious and can a ect a child or teen for a lifetime. It can even be fatal.

What Should I Do If My Child or Teen Has a Possible Concussion? As a parent, if you think your child or teen may have a concussion, you should:

  1.  Remove your child or teen from play.

  2. Keep your child or teen out of play the day of the injury. Your child or teen should be seen by a health care provider and only return to play with permission from a health care provider who is experienced in evaluating for concussion.

  3. Ask your child’s or teen’s health care provider for written instructions on helping your child or teen return to school. You can give the instructions to your child’s or teen’s school nurse and teacher(s) and return-to-play instructions to the coach and/or athletic trainer.

Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Only a health care provider should assess a child or teen for a possible concussion. Concussion signs and symptoms often show up soon after the injury. But you may not know how serious the concussion is at rst, and some symptoms may not show up for hours or days. The brain needs time to heal after a concussion. A child’s or teen’s return to school and sports should be a gradual process that is carefully managed and monitored by a health care provider.

Get More Information Here

Tryout Schedule for

March 31st

  • 7U Eagles 10:00 - 10:45

  • 8U Eagles 10:45 - 11:30

  • 9U Eagles 11:30 - 12:15

  • 10U Eagles 12:15 - 1:00

  • 11U Eagles 1:00 - 1:45

  • 12U Eagles 1:45 - 2:30

  • 13U Eagles 2:30 - 3:30

Contact us

(754) 444-6637

5050 Umbria St. Philadelphia PA 19128

11:00 am - 8:00pm

5050 Umbria St, Philadelphia, PA 19128, USA