Meet our Teams

The US National Sports Eagles, where Athletes Become Elite

Volleyball. Basketball. Baseball.


Our Story


With over 15 Years of experience with sports teams traveling and playing in top-tier tournaments. US National Sports is the Advanced Travel Sports program you have been looking for. With Teams aimed to challenge and build super star athletes this is your one stop destination for Greatness.


What We Focus On

To Provide children with the skills and equipment needed to compete with the best of the best. Our goal is to have them succeed beyond expectations in their desired sport. With advanced techniques and trainings US National Sports will guide kids to an athletic career.

Intense competition, long hours of practice, skill development, and dedication to improving,

along with the pressure to meet high expectations from coaches and teammates,

requiring athletes to consistently perform at a high level to earn and keep their spot on the team,

all while maintaining a year-round commitment with training, tournaments, and travel throughout multiple seasons.

● Special Offer

elite training

Not only do we compete in Premier Tournaments but we also

offer the best training in the area. Whether you're a Libero,

Setter, Catcher, Pitcher, or Small Forward we offer

High Quality training through our coaches and

practices that will definitely carry over into

the game.


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11:00 am - 8:00pm